Sunday, February 20, 2011

New England's Winter - Flat, windy and cold, but very beautiful.

Pirate's Cove

New England and I have had a very extreme relationship ever since I stepped foot here 2 or so years ago. My first summer experience happened to be, in FACT, the worst summer recorded in New Hampshire's history. I believe this is true because I was told by numerous locals triple my age. It rained for the best part of May, June and July. I've just witnessed my first winter so trust me, this is a BIG deal! 


Summer 2010 just so happened to be the BEST summer ever. It might not have gone down in the history books but as far as I was concerned, it was the best damn summer I had ever had in New England. Hot sweltering days, waves, great new people, terrific! Finally Christine could say, with pride, "this is what we mean by summer". 

Like I mentioned above, I'm busy experiencing my first New England winter, and in true tradition, its a record breaker, of course! While I was in New York I believe they reached the all time snow fall record. I'm not sure of how much snow was needed to break it but the city was brought to a stand still at one stage. Pretty awsome! The New England winter has been a real experience. Nothing quite gives you more appreciation of the warmth of summer than a couple months of a real northern hemisphere winter. June, July couldn't come quicker and I reckon this summer is going to be another for the record books in more ways then one!

Jenness Beach

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lakers Vs. Celts pics

God Damn Celtics!!!

I was lucky enough to be invited to my first NBA game on Thursday night in Boston. Boston Celtics Vs. LA Lakers. The Celts were sure to win and with New England as my 2nd home, I had to represent the home team in full force and green 'n white attire! The best part was that my lovely partner was a DIE HARD Lakers fan. Was so amped to not only be popping my Pro B-ball cherry but, to revel in victiry and rub it all in her face.....this wasn't the case Celts.....WTF!!

On the plus side, for all you Celts fans out there, we had front row seats to witness history in the making. As I don't know too much about B-ball, I'll let someone who does explain the significance of this spectacle:

"If you were going pick a time, place and opponent to set the stage for Ray Allen to become the NBA's new 3-point shooting king, Feb. 10, 2011 was probably the date you wanted all along. At home in the Garden, on national TV against the Lakers, in front of Reggie Miller, who was broadcasting courtside ready to pass the torch.
It doesn't get any better than that, does it?"
-Peter F. Stringer (Don't know this cat?)
So, you get the picture! Pretty cool and I've got some great pics and footage to go with it which will be posted shortly. Watch this space!

Monday, February 7, 2011

The boys after a great day on Sunday River!

Ty, Brian, Ned, Ryman, Will, Me
Just another activity I completely over looked. The restaurant we chilled at after our session had a Buffalo Wing special going called the "Goggle Wing Challenge". You got to eat 10 wings in 5 mins and they free or fail and you pay. One poor sorry dude was roped into it, God knows who roped him in though because we were his only support. CHECK HIM OUT!

Yip...he paid!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday River Pow Wow!

After yet another blizzard hit the East Coast this Wednesday, the boys decided to make a little rad road trip to Sunday River to take full advantage of the new powder. 
3hr blizzard road trip.....gettin AMPED!
Our buddy Ned was nice enough to put us up at his condo. What a sweet spot! It didn't take long for us to notice that the slope directly outside his front door had just been groomed, the music from the that day had been left on and the condos lit up the mountain like a white shrine! Needless to say, we grabbed the sleds, a couple boards, a few treats and tore the newly swept clouds apart. Pictures are R-rated!
The next day however.......was blue, white and green family fun...but there weren't that many families!
I wasn't kidding about the front door

Heading up for the first run with Tyrese and Ned.

Snow hadn't seen much action...yet.

Couple views from the top.
Don't mind the goggles, I'm a snowboard kook still!

View from the Bar
After a solid day at Sunday River we had to pack it up and head home. Although we didn't have much time to hang around, we had a date with Chromeo in Boston. BOOOM!

Back to New Hampshire

So, I'm all done with NYC. It was an awsome experience staying down there over that period of time. Witnessed my first real blizzard, met new people, ate incredible food and had a great time in general. I must admit that I didn't head out as much as I would have liked to, but who could blame me? It was freezing out! The sidewalk to the F train @ Burgen Street was so frozen it felt like walking through a freezer.

Still, it was one of the top 10 highlights of my life so far. I haven't been anywhere else where there is so much diversity amongst the people and the areas within the cities walls.